martes, 18 de mayo de 2010


Frog and Toad together


Old frog one: Heda

Old frog two: Greicy

Toad: Brian

Frog: Michael

-HEDA: Hello Greicy

-GREICY: Hello Heda

-HEDA: How are you?

-HEDA: very well thank you

-GREICY: Now that I see you, you made me remember something very amusing that it happened to my grandson Brian

-HEDA: why was that so amusing?

-GREICY: Because I hadn´t thought to do this, and I am doing it. The same thing happened to Brian

-HEDA: I don't understand anything

-HEDA: please can you explain me!

-GREICY: listen carefully this story and you will know it.

-GREICY: One morning, my grandson sat down in the bed and said:

-BRIAN: I have many things to do, I will write them all down on a list so that I can remember them.

GREICY: My grandson wrote on a piece of paper: A list of things to do today , Then he wrote: Wake up

BRIAN: I have done that,

GREICY: And he crossed out: Wake up

GREICY: Then Toad wrote other things on the paper:

-BRIAN: Now my day is all written down.

-GREICY: He got out of bed and had something to eat.

-HEDA: and then what happened to him?

-GREICY: Then My grandson crossed out: Eat breakfast

-HEDA: oh what intelligent!
GREICY: Brian took his clothes out of the closet and put them on. Then he crossed out: get dressed My grandson put the list in his pocket. He opened the door and walked out into the morning. Soon Brian was at Michael´s front door; he took the list from his pocket and crossed out: go to frog´s house.

-BRIAN: (knocked at the door) toc toc toc

-MICHAEL: Hello Brian!
-BRIAN: hello Michael, how are you today?

-MICHAEL: I am well thank you

-BRIAN: Look at my list of things to do

- MICHAEL: Oh!, that is very nice.

-BRIAN: My list tells me that we will go for a walk.

-MICHAEL: All right, I am ready.

-GREICY: Brian and Michael went on a long walk. Then, Brian took the list from his pocket again. He crossed out: take walk with frog. Just then there was a strong wind. It blew the list out of Brian’s hand. The list blew high up into the air.

-BRIAN: help! , my list is blowing away. What will I do without my list?

-MICHAEL: hurry! We will run and catch it!

-BRIAN: No! I cannot do that

-MICHAEL: why not?

-BRIAN: Because, running after my list is not one of the things that I wrote on my list of things to do!

-MICHAEL: Ah, I understand. Don´t worry, I will run and catch it

- GREICY: Frog ran after the list. He ran over hills and swamps, but the list blew on and on. At last Michael came back to Brian.

-MICHAEL: I am sorry but I could not catch your list.

-BRIAN: Blah, I cannot remember any of the things that were on my list of thing to do. I will just have to sit here and do nothing.

-GREICY: Brian sat and did nothing. Michael sat with him.

- HEDA: Oh, and what happened then?

-GREICY: After a long time Michael said,

-MICHAEL: Brian, it is getting dark. We should be going to sleep now

-BRIAN: Go to sleep, go to sleep! That was the last thing on my list!

-GREICY: Brian wrote on the ground with a stick: Go to sleep. Then he crossed out: go to sleep

BRIAN: There, Now my day is all crossed out!

MICHAEL: I am glad

GREICY: Then Michael and Briand went right to sleep.

-HEDA: Ja, ja, ja, ja. It is really amusing

-GREICY: let´s go. It is too late

-HEDA: It is truth; I have many things to do today

-GREICY: bye Heda, I had not planned to tell today histories.

-HEDA: bye Greicy, I will see you another day and you tell me another story.

-GREICY: bye

-HEDA: bye

The end.

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